How the relatives of a person in isolation must behave

Date: 2020-11-03

The person taking care of a Covid-19 affected person must be healthy (free from risky illnesses), and wear a surgical mask. This must be correctly worn while being in the same room as the sick person.
Hands must be carefully washed with water and soap or an hydroalcoholic product after each contact with the sick person or the surrounding environment, before and after cooking, before eating, after using the bathroom and every time hands may be dirty.
Flatware, dishes, towels and sheets must be dedicated only to the sick person. They must be washed often with water and detergent at 60-90°C.
Surfaces which are often touched by the sick person must be cleaned and disinfected every day.
If the sick person gets worse or has respiratory difficulties, call immediatly 112/118.

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